Adult Summer Reading 2021

About This Project

Upload an image, video, or anything else relating to your summer here. Photos of your garden, crafts, or other weekly challenges, books you've read, even make a book trailer video if you want (like a movie trailer, but about a book!) - get creative!


Submission Guidelines

Sharing Your Content

Additional Information

Please submit by midnight on Saturday, August 27, 2021. (Even if your submission is for a future week's challenge - you can make it now and submit it here, and then email it to us during that challenge's week as well.)

Submission Categories (and some reminders of each week's challenges to give you ideas):

  • Games (week 1) – submit a photo or video of you playing your favorite board / card / video game, or of your indoor obstacle course or mini golf course
  • Travel (week 2) – share the link to a video you enjoyed on the Global Oneness Project or an opera from the Metropolitan Opera website
  • The Great Outdoors (week 3) – send us a photo or video of you playing an outdoor game or showing off your garden, or make a graphic, book review, or book trailer of a travel biography, a travel show, or novel set outside the US, submit your travel log
  • Crafts (week 4) – submit a photo of a craft you did on Creativebug, a craft you’ve had a difficult time with, or a craft you’ve worked on at home, share your original madlib, book review / trailer / graphic with a craft or hobby in the title
  • Dog Days of Summer (week 5) – share a photo of a pretend beach in your living room or yard or your favorite summer moment so far, recommend a beach read
  • Summer and Beyond (week 6) – share a new history podcast or Youtube channel, a recipe you made yourself (video of yourself making the recipe or the written recipe itself), book recommendation, a video or audio recording of your family member telling their story, a written or video book review of a book with a season in the title.
  • Kindness (week 7) – submit a photo of your decorated window, or book review of a book with a happy ending
  • Bibliophile (week 8) – send us a book review of an audiobook, book from a friend/family member, memoir or picture book biography, or book that answers a question, show us the book you made yourself
  • Community (week 9) – submit something about a store you supported, farmer’s market visit, before/after photos of an area of your neighborhood you cleaned up, review of a book by a local author
  • Potpourri (week 10) – post a finished crossword or Sudoku puzzle, photo or video of your visit to a town park or getting around town in a new way, share a bit of trivia, review of a book in a new genre
  • Book reviews / recommendations / trailers - if you want to submit a book review that doesn't fit into one of the above categories, or fits into more than one, post it here!
Submission Deadline

August 27, 2021

File Types Accepted